We appreciate your generosity and support of our young patients! Your donation of toys and other items supports our Child Life program, which helps patients cope with the anxiety and stress that often accompanies a healthcare experience. Learn more about Child Life.

Dear Santa,
The tree is trimmed, the halls are decked and Gigi and I are snug in our puppy pajamas, not-so-patiently waiting for you to drop down the chimney. Gigi thinks I’ll fall asleep before you get here, but how can I snooze when my tail just won’t stop wagging?
The kiddos at Baylor Scott & White McLane Children’s Medical Center are super excited too, but being in the hospital can be ruff sometimes. We puppies work hard to help make our patients more comfortable and we definitely couldn’t do it without the paw-some Santa’s helpers in our community! Last year, they donated more than $68,300 in toys and gifts to comfort and support my young hooman friends. It just warms my little puppy heart!
I am pawsitive that all our patients have been VERY good this year. If you'd like to send a little extra cheer down the chimney for them, I made this special wish list of gifts I’m doggone sure they will love!
Thanks fur everything, Santa! Tell all the reindeer I've got matching PJs for them, too!
Your puppy-dog pal,

Lorenzo Child Life Facility Dog
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