At the heart of recovery

When this "Superman" needed saving, the cardiology team in Temple stepped up.

Frank Parisi, a 43-year-old with a passion for fitness and healthy living, was baffled by a consistent cough and other worsening symptoms. Doctors theorized that he suffered from allergies, pneumonia or even sepsis. But, treatments failed, and Frank’s health continued to decline. He began to lose weight and cough up fluids.

Eventually, doctors determined Frank was suffering from congestive heart failure. With fluid in his lungs, he was in cardiogenic shock—his heart was unable to pump enough blood and oxygen to his body.

Frank was quickly transferred to Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Temple, where the advanced heart disease team awaited him.

Doctors determined Frank’s condition was caused by a genetic variation of the Titin protein, which plays a large role in the composition of the body’s muscles. A mutation of this gene can cause weakness in the muscle fibers of the body, including the heart.

“It was strange because I had none of the normal risk factors for heart failure,” Frank said. “Being a pretty healthy guy otherwise is definitely part of what saved me.”

Frank’s care team placed a pump to help his heart function, but it was only a temporary solution. With more surgeries in his future, he needed to rebuild his strength. Frank, who is 13 years sober, resolved to confront this new challenge with the same determination he used to conquer addiction.

“Recovery showed me a new way of life and actually gave me the tools I needed to get through this,” he said. “I knew I had to get up and walk again. So, I did squats with the walker and walked four or five miles around the unit every day. While I was walking, I’d try to bring light to other patients and just encourage them.”

Impressed by his commitment and positivity, nurses and staff honored Frank with a Superman cape. “Their job is not easy, but the staff are just angels,” Frank said. “I really bonded with all my nurses and doctors. We still keep in touch. They’re family.”

Though he gained strength, Frank ultimately needed a new heart.

“We see more than 50 cases a year of patients with advanced heart failure needing heart replacement therapy, including durable left ventricular assist devices and heart transplants,” said Dr. Jaime Hernandez-Montfort, director for the Advanced Heart Disease, Recovery & Replacement program at Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Temple.

Just one day after he was placed on the transplant list, Frank got the call that a match was available. Now, he visits the hospital monthly for checkups and is back to working out.

 “The staff members at Temple are phenomenal, and they saved my life,” Frank said. “I’m so grateful to be alive. I know there’s more for me, and I want to make the most of this gift.”


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